Sunday, August 18, 2013

Cruising activities

We are at the airport in Orlando after a whirlwind trip... on Freedom of the Seas.... boy, if you want time to fly, go on a cruise!! Seems like we were jus driving up to the port and we blinked and here we are, heading home!! We had the best time....
My sister and husband went with us. We stopped at St. Thomas for the day....
Then Tom and I went speed boating and snorkeling in St. Marteen. That water was just beautiful!!
  We celebrated our 39 anniversary!
I loved this curtain for the main theater. Would love to paint it one day. Doesn`t it look like fun with all the sparkle and bling?!!!
This was the beautiful sunise that I woke up to this morning. It was bittersweet, knowing we were able to get off the ship and back to the real world!   But....... one thing was different this trip.... Instead of reading a book, I gathered up my new markers, black pens, and paper and used that afternoon down time to do some sketches and doodling. I ended up with quite a collection to bring home and work on. This picture is one of two ladies that I did and doodled around her face with pinks and lime colored markers.
I still have to figure out what I am doing with her, but here she is... waiting to finish up when I get home.   Happy to be linked to Sunday sketeches with lots of very talented people. Check it out here          have a great week.                                 Love, Jane


  1. She's lovely! All kinds of beautiful details! It sounds like it was a wonderful trip...

  2. this doodled lady looks amazing.

  3. Happy Anniversary. A cruise would be a perfect way to celebrate. I love your lady. She is beautiful. I would love to know what you do with her. I think she is really special.
