Last night Tommy, Rebecca and Heston came over for dinner. It was a farewell dinner for Lara. She had already told everyone else good bye and now it was her time with them. Dinners have changed with Heston these days. Instead of sitting in someone`s lap, he can now sit in the chair by himself. This is the greatest invention that I didn`t have with my children. We had the "Sassy Seats" that you hooked to the tables, which wasn`t that sturdy to start with . Now they have these little seats that strap in the big chairs. It has its own tray and everything. SInce I didn`t have any cheerios, I didn`t know he was eating them now, we opened the next best thing that I had.... peas!! English peas, who knew they would keep him entertained all the way through dinner?!!
So at 5:00 this morning, I heard Lara coming downstairs. She had said that she wanted to leave around 5 or 5:30 but I actually had my doubts. But true to her words, she was up and ready and pulled out of the driveway at 5:15a.m. We worried about the weather but it wasn`t so bad, a little rain, but not that much. She called at 4 and was almost "home". Thank you, Lord, for her safe trip!!
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