
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Koozies, anyone?!!

Recently, I was introduced to koozie`s with monograms!! Lacy showed me one that she had ordered. She got it because she liked it, but also, for us to look at it to see if we could make one... That was all I needed to get my fabric out and start cutting...

After a trip to Hancock Fabrics to get the lining and velcro, I started cutting.  You need to cut the piece about 10 inches by 5, depending on the size seams you take, but the finished size is 9x4.
After you cut it out, you  cut a piece the same size for the lining. Stitch those two pieces together and turn. Press it out good and then you are ready for the monogram.

Next, you cut the lining, a thick nylon, it feels like it is cushioned a bit. Cut it with just about 1/4 inches showing of the front piece. When I do my next one, I will cut the lining the same, stitch it around the seam about 1/2 inches. Then.......after you stitch, go back and trim close to the stitching. that way, it will be neat and even, all the way around.

The velcro goes on one end of the front fabric and the other goes on the back opposite end. Once the velcro is on, it is finished.  How easy is that?!! Great gifts to make ahead for Christmas!!

The possibilities are endless with the fabric choices out there?!!

Happy Sewing!

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