
Friday, July 27, 2012

Freshly vacuumed carpeted room!!

Yesterday was a day that I had been anticipating for a week or so. After our jewelry class a few weeks back, the three of us, Jo Anne, Lisa and I, had talked about getting together again, to do some more creating of our own. We didn`t learn everything there was to learn about jewelry making in our class but we figured we learned enough to be dangerous on our own! So we picked a day that all of us had available It had to be soon since JoAnne is to start back to school the first week of August if you can believe that!! The teachers have to go back early but that seems awfully early to me and gets earlier each year...

A few minutes before the girls were to arrive at my house yesterday, I realized that I had forgotten to vacuum my room upstairs where we were going to be camping out for the day.  I hurriedly pulled the vacuum out and up the stairs for a quick run over the carpet. When I finished and was heading downstairs, I heard my  cell phone ringing. I was almost down the stairs running to get it and noticed someone outside the front door. After getting closer and looking out, I could see Lisa with her phone in her hand and Jo Anne next to her, walkind away.!! They must have come the minute I turned on the vacuum and had been out there for 5 minutes trying to get me on the phone. Lisa comes in and says she was already worrying about what could have happened to me! Funny way to start our day, but once we were all inside and the mystery solved about where I was, we went to work.

We turned the porch outside into our paint room, where we took old frames and lamps that needed to be redone. We put a fresh coat on several pieces and left it out there to dry while we moved on to our next project upstairs, in the freshly vacuumed room!!

While up there, we spead out all of our jewelry finding that we had, and pooled it all together. It took a bit of time to figure out just what we wanted to do, but once we settled in and started, things began to come together. Jo Anne went to town. It was fun to see her creative juices taking over!!. We know how she is in art class as she sweetly and patiently teaches us but this was a different setting. Now, she was one of us, just playing.. and it was fun!!  .It was lunch time before we knew it, so we took a break to eat and to  look at our painted things we had done earlier.  We sanded  them a bit. and put some wax on a few of them and then they were finished..

 Lisa had to go, so we told her good bye then headed back upstairs to finish our projects. Before we knew it, when we had finished our last piece, we looked at the clock and it was 4:30. Time flies when you are having fun for sure!!

These are some of the things we worked on. We don`t know it all by any means, but as I said before, we know enough to be dangerous and want to do more!!

Closer look at some of the earrings that Jo Anne did! She is not a huge copper fan, she says,  but I think she may want to give these a try. They turned out great!!

These are the silver ones she did. Jo Anne may have missed her calling to be a jewelry maker!!
After the day came to an end, it was a nice way to end the night, thinking about the fellowship that we three enjoyed together... in the little room upstairs with the freshly vacuumed carpeted floor!!

Have a great weekend.

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