
Friday, July 6, 2012


As I think about  the title to this entry, I put down "Little Blessings" but then realize that isn`t exactly true... All blessings are huge. Some, we don`t realize until after the fact and some come flooding down together for us to enjoy. For these blessings that God showers down, I am extremely thankful. My prayer is for me not to ever be too busy to recognize when they come and bask in the goodness of how God works!

This morning as I woke up and checked my emails... I find one from my Aunt, Gail. She has been sad about Andy Griffith. She loved Matlock! Mother was a huge Andy Griffith fan, loving all his old movies and especially loving Matlock. I have no doubt that she had seen every one several times!  She and Lara would watch it when Lara spent the night with them!!  Gail has posted several things about him that not everyone knew. She found an article in Guidepost that he wrote and talked about his struggle with health problems, his marriage and how God was important in his life.  Today, she found a memorial slide show with him singing, of all things, "How Great Thou Art".  That song is a beloved song for our family for lots of reasons. My Daddy always loved it. When he died, it was sung at his funeral.  At my brothers wedding, they sang it. Our special friend and old minister of music from years past, Harold Newberry, could sing it with the best of them.  He sang it at our Mothers celebration service almost two years ago..  It has deep meaning to all of us with the memories associated with it.  Well, Gail found this link....

 Her message in her email to us was simply... "your sweet Mother is listening to him sing this in Heaven."  

That picture in my mind, brought tears, yet again, to my eyes. But not the usual tears, these were just the best tears of happiness... at that mental picture... Of our Mother, sitting there with Andy Griffith , among a few others ("!!), listening to him sing. But not only that, but to think that she is in the heavenly choir with him, with all of our loved ones, with Abraham, Jacob, John, Timothy, Moses, and ..... singing praises together in the presence of the Lord!! That picture, today, was a sweet reminder of how God is good, even in the midst of trials, He is good and sends encouragement, sends blessings to us.

I was still thinking of that Heavenly choir as I went to get my supplies out to do a wedding invitation with Mother`s dried flowers.  I couldn`t help but smile, as I opened the pages of the book and found those pressed flowers, each one picked and put in the book, with such careful hands.  As I picked them up, one at a time, just reminded me of how much she loved those flowers. Thankful again, for that  time, using her flowers to create, that God let me have to feel close to her and her memories this morning. All the time working, and listening to my favorite song for now.... "Blessings", by Laura song.. Love it!

Have a great day!!

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